Hand in Hand school

There is a special K-12 school system in Israel where both Palestinian and Israeli students learn together.  This is a place where students learn value-based education including essential concepts such as mutual respect, human dignity, and empathy towards others.  “Hand in Hand” is the fitting name for this school systemContinue Reading

Double Rainbow

Remember the “Double Rainbow Guy”? I do! It’s one of the most popular videos on the internet. For those of you that don’t know it, this is a video about a guy that sees a large double rainbow across a mountain and he starts cheering loudly and quickly begins cryingContinue Reading

Alex Trebek and his wife Jean have always been very generous when it comes to donating their money.  This time was no different.  The Jeopardy host donated $500,000 to Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission, which is a local homeless outreach organization.   “They have lived in the Valley for overContinue Reading