Hope and optimism evident in Liberia

CNN Newsroom
CNN Newsroom

Liberia is a beautiful country on the coast of West Africa.  Recently, this country has made vast improvements since the civil war tore apart the nation several years ago.  CNN’s Brenda Bush had a segment on CNN Newsroom about how the country is improving.  It really is an interesting interview which holds a special place in my heart not only because it is good news, but also because my family is from Liberia.

In 2011, I had the privilege of going back to Liberia to visit family and friends.  I too saw evidence of improvements in this beautiful land.  This improvement cannot happen overnight, but slowly the world will see Liberia become the wonderful paradise that it once was.  More to follow on my adventures in Liberia!

Be sure to check out the interview at CNN’s Newsroom:



Peace and Love, Jon

Hope and optimism evident in Liberia

CNN NewsRoom

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