“Believe In Love” Events

For anyone who might have missed it, February 7th, 2017, Super Bowl Sunday, was the day we watched tearfully as 75,000 people at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California, held up plastic tiles, faithfully and without knowing why, to reveal the message, “Believe in Love.” Dr. Sherry Sami, co-founder of the Love Button Global Movement, says: “Love is a choice. I can choose loving responses and actions rather than those driven by fear. That choice affects the people in my life, in my community and in the world.”

An Ithaca College student is organizing “Believe in Love,” an event aiming to unite Ithaca residents through community service and a large gathering on the Ithaca Commons. It’s all about promoting unity during a divided time. “We want people of every age, race, religion, sexuality and social class to come together and unite to put loving one another to center stage, especially at a time when our nation needs it,” says the event’s Facebook page.

Love Sign

As individuals we can all have an important impact through daily random acts of kindness. And all you college students, how about organizing a “Believe in Love” event at your school or in your community!



– Good News Counts!

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