- Image Credit: Jason P. Skoda/Special to Tribune

One Down’s Syndrome man has overcome the odds to become a champion weightlifter. Not just in special Olympics competitions – Jon Stoklosa regularly beats the best of his non-disabled opponents!When he was 12-years-old Jon started lifting weights in the basement with his brothers. A year later he was benching 185Continue Reading

Chicago Bulls players and more than 200 volunteers got together in Chicago Heights on Saturday, August 24, to build a new playground, a playground designed by the children who will use it.Children need a place to play every day in order to be active and healthy, but today’s kids spendContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Facebook

With College tuition going up every year, any kind of financial support is greatly appreciated.  Ball State University offers one Freshman every year a chance to win free tuition for their first year…The only catch is that they have to make a near-impossible half-court basketball shot!  The University has beenContinue Reading


Cam Newton, quarterback for the Carolina Panthers asked for his coaches autograph after practice on August 6th.  Coach Jack Bolton got the chance to be the Carolina Panthers honorary coach for the day.  I forgot to mention…Coach Jack Bolton is only 8-years-old!    Jack Bolton has spinal muscular atrophy, butContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Facebook

Carissa Yip is not your typical chess expert.  While other children her age are playing video games, Carissa is dominating the chess game.  At 9 years old, she is already one of the best chess players in the world!  How did she get so good?  Her father originally taught herContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Facebook

Some of my best memories growing up were biking with my brother and friends in the neighborhood.  Not only is biking a fun activity that brings individuals together, but it is also a great form of exercise and a means of transportation. Second Life Bikes is an organization in Rochester,Continue Reading

- Image Credit: Getty Images

It’s always interesting to see what professional athletes do with their lives after their careers have ended.  What happened to those players that had so much potential coming out of high school or college, but just didn’t pan out in the pros.    Jonathan Bender had franchise player written allContinue Reading