Hurricane Maria has pummeled Puerto Rico over the past week, knocking out power for the entire island. The island’s calls for help have been answered by an unlikely source…hackers. Several data security companies and hacker conferences have started collecting money and supplies for Puerto Rico. These are the good hackers,Continue Reading

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When most pageant contestants win, typically they say “I’m going to Disney world!”.  Well not Patricia Celan, who was crowned  Miss Charity British Columbia.  Patricia’s first act as current Miss B.C. was shaving her head on stage at Langley’s Chief Sepass Theatre, which raised $8,000 for COPS for Cancer whichContinue Reading

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“Mikey’s Run” is a charity started by Harris Stolzenberg and his brother Michael, a 13 year old quadruple-amputee.  They started the charity with an ambitious goal in mind – to raise $1 million! Their mother laughed when they mentioned their goal.  ‘If you can get $1,000, you should be happy.’,Continue Reading

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Yesterday, February 5th, was National Pancake Day at IHOP!  It’s a day where the International House Of Pancakes gives away a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes to guests!!  All they ask for is a donation to charity.  Their goal this year is to raise $3 million!!  Since the startContinue Reading