- Image Credit: Nigel Roddis/Getty Images for Ironman

14-year old Jacob Cramer wants to cheer up lonely elderly people and he’s chosen an old-fashioned way of doing it. He is writing letters. Since July 2013, Jacob has recruited friends, and even organizations, to help compose personal letters for delivery to senior centers. So far, strangers have reached outContinue Reading

Michael Johannes was driving his 2006 Chevy Trailblazer on a highway in New Brighton, Minnesota when it caught fire. Michael didn’t realize his car was on fire until Bob Renning, who was driving ahead of Michael noticed flames from under his car. Renning waved Michael to let him know whatContinue Reading

A dinosaur is floating around the International Space Station.  NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg, a flight engineer orbiting the Earth since May, stitched together the olive green toy, the first stuffed animal created in space, in her spare time.  She made the toy giant lizard from the Velcro-like fabric that linesContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Facebook

You know what they always say – Dogs are an elephant’s best friend :)…I think that’s what they say.  Anyway, Bubbles (the elephant) and Bella (a black lab) became close friends when they were both young.  As they grew (especially Bubbles), their friendship grew even larger.  They enjoy playing catchContinue Reading